All right.
So now I’d like to talk about the story of what happened from all the way from publishing my book to facing the risk of them being scrapped.
Oh I forgot one thing.
This press conference started from 12:12, but it’s going to end at 1 p.m, 13 p.m.
Right, that’s the time schedule.
あー、忘れてた。ごめんなさい、今日の、12時12分 から始まりましたけれども、終わりとしてはですね1時・・・と思っております。
All right, let me start about my story from publishing these books to facing the risk of having them scrapped.
So it’s about two books I wrote.
You can see them on both sides here, the red and the blue.
And the reason why I wrote these books first of all is because the publisher came to me and said “Can you write a stress-free preparation for TOEIC test book?”
This is what Jitsumu Kyoiku Shuppan, the publishing house, came to me.
And my editor said that you know they already know that I’ve published a lot of books like “Stress-Free English Learning” series.”
“Stress-Free English Learning Strategy”… you know, “Stress-Free English Grammar”, “English Phrasal Verbs”, “Stress-Free English Vocabulary Building.”
So that’s why the publisher said can you write a “Stress-Free” preparation for a TOEIC test book.
これはですね僕が「頑張らない英語シリーズ」 、『頑張らない英語学習法 』、『英文法』、『基礎英語』 、『英会話フレーズ 』、みたいな感じでですね、あと『英単語記憶法』 、5冊のですね、「頑張らない英語シリーズ」というのを出しておりまして、
「頑張らないTOEIC の本書いてくれませんか?」というお話をいただきました。
And my answer was this.
“Can I take the ‘Stress-Free’ away?
Can I take out the “Stress-Free” because for TOEIC tests, I think a little bit of stress or some pressure will pay off…
I mean, you’re gonna spend all this time and energy to study for TOEIC tests.
If you are and you’re gonna spend hours on Sunday going to the test and taking the test and coming home and it’s a lot of work.
So why just study for the test?
Let’s take… you know, let’s learn English so that you can really improve your English language.
ね、TOEIC・・・せっかく勉強して、せっかくこう日曜日の何時間 もかけて受けるとか、やっぱね大変なことですので、
So we took out the “Stress-Free” and now it’s called “the Strongest Fundamentals for TOEIC Series”, and there’s listening and reading versions.
The red book is for listening, part one and two.
出来上がったのがこの2冊の本ですね『イングリシュ・ドクターのTOEIC L&Rテスト最強の根本対策』 でpart 1&2、という赤い本、
And then the blue one is part five, this is for reading. So it includes grammar and also reading English as you read on from you know the front to the end.
Because you know often people read the last part of the English sentence, understand that and come back to the beginning.
But you know, not doing that, just reading it from the top.
That’s the kind of capability I teach in this book.
And so, some of the features of these two books is that you don’t just solve English language tests. TOEIC is an English test.
But there’s always four answers.
And if you start preparing for a test that has four answers for each question, all you would do is just solve a lot of problems you know do your drills and just um… you know.
And you just do a test. Correct, incorrect, right, wrong.
And it just is um… taking a test for the sake of taking a test.
But I want people to learn English and be able to speak better English.
So that’s why I call it “fundamentals”.
Because I want everybody to understand the fundamentals through dictation.
例えばね、赤本のリスニングの方であれば、聞こえてきた英文をすべて正確に聞き取ってもらう、そのためにも書き取る というトレーニングしていただいたり、
Or, with the reading in the blue, I want people to understand grammar and really the structure of how English is constructed.
So that you don’t just… you know, work on tests… but be able to read English.