


こんにちは、イングリッシュ・ドクターの西澤 ロイです。
ミランダ・カー(Miranda Kerr)のインスタでの


Miranda Kerr: It says that she’s unable to join. Let’s try again. Oh, connecting.

Marie Kondo: Hi!

Kerr: Hi! こんにちは!

Marie: こんにちは。I’m so happy to join you.

Kerr: Thank you so much. どうもありがとう。

Marie: ありがとうございます。嬉しいです。

Kerr: 元気ですか?

Marie: はい、とっても元気です。Wow, your Japanese is so good.

Kerr: Ah, どうもありがとう。

Everyone watching I wanna just say hello, how are you? And it’s so good to see you. Thank you so much for joining us today.

Marie: Thank you. Thank you for having me.

Kerr: How are you feeling?

Marie: Oh, good. I’m feeling good.

Kerr: Feeling good? Very good. How’s your family?

Marie: Yeah, they’re doing very well.

And my children are still very energetic and having fun at home.

Kerr: Ah, how old are your children now?

Marie: Now, three and four.

Kerr: Wow. I have three boys. I have… He’s nine months old, almost nine months old, a two year old and a nine year old.

Marie: Wow. So sweet.

Kerr: So busy. But my little two year old loves your book “Kiki and Jax”.
(とても忙しいわ。でも、2歳のおちびちゃんがあなたの本「Kiki and Jax」が大好きなの)

Marie: Oh, thank you. I’m happy to hear that.

Kerr: Yeah, it’s one of his favorite books.

Thank you. Thank you so much for everything that you do.

I really appreciate your work and your wonderful tips for tiding, so…

Wow, so cute! Kiki and Jax.
(まあ、かわいい! Kiki と Jax ね)

Marie: Kiki and Jax, special stuffed animals.
(Kiki と Jax。特別なぬいぐるみです)

Kerr: So sweet. They definitely sparked joy in my heart.
(かわいい! 間違いなく心がときめいたわ)

Marie: So spark joy?

Kerr: Yes, sparking joy.

So, speaking about sparking joy, tell me. How did you first get into this? How did you become a tidying expert?
(ときめきに関して教えて欲しいのだけど、いつ始めたのですか? どうやって片付けの専門家に?)

Marie: Ah, first, I started to have an interest in tidying when I was five years old because my mom enjoyed housework.

And I studied about tidying every day, and I tidy every day every place during my school days.

And when I was 19 years old, I started my business as a tidying consultant.

Kerr: Wow, that’s incredible. And where did you start the business? Did you start it in Japan?
(すごいわね。仕事はどこで始めたの? 日本?)

Marie: Yes, In Japan.

Kerr: Wow. That’s amazing. I love Japan.

Marie: Thank you. Where have you been in Japan?

Kerr: I go to Tokyo a lot for work.

So it’s just one of my favorite cities in the world.

And I love the culture. I love the food. I love the people.

Yeah, I hope to visit one day soon when it’s safe.

Marie: Yes, I think so. I really recommend it.

Kerr: So when you’re about to tidy a space, tell me how do you… like what’s the first thing that you do? How can you help us at home?
(片付けをする時に、どうやって・・・最初にすべきことは何? 家でどうすればいいの?)

Marie: When I visit a new client’s home, I greet the house.

And sometimes I use a tuning fork like that. Clear the air. For clear the air.

Oh, wow. Thank you. Let’s try together.

And just strike the crystal and tuning fork.

Kerr: Feels so good.

Marie: Yeah, by doing this you can calm your mind and focus on tidying.

Kerr: That’s amazing.

These… this little tool I actually… I keep it next to my bed and then at night before I go to sleep because this one is the rose quartz. I love it. I just like…

I love to feel…

Marie: Feels so good.

Kerr: … the peaceful energy. This is amazing.

Marie: So amazing.

Kerr: Yes. So then, can you explain what exactly is the Konmari method?

Marie: The Konmari method is not just about tidying, but it will change your life.

It’s about keeping what sparks joy.

And doing this helps us change your mindset and be more mindful.

Kerr: Wow. That’s amazing.

And so, when you’re going through, you’re organizing everything and you suggest tidying by category, right?

Marie: Yes.

Tidying by category helps you recognize how much you own each category.

When you tidy… For example, when you tidy your clothes, oh, gather all of clothes in one spot.

Kerr: Yes. And then you put all the clothes in one spot and you see I have this many sweaters. I have this many shirts. I have this many jackets.

Marie: And after that, hold each one… each item one by one and ask yourself, “Does it speak joy?”

Kerr: Yes. And tell me about this sparking joy.

Is that something that we feel… Is it something we feel in our heart? Correct?

Marie: Heart, yes.

Kerr: Because… Yeah, I read somewhere about it… it activating happiness in every cell of your body.

Marie: Yes, that’s right. If the item in your hands speaks to your heart, you feel as if all of your cells are rising. キュンっていう感じ。

Kerr: Like uplifting.

Marie: Yes, uplifting and feel happy and energized.

Kerr: Like how I feel when I see the sunflower.

Marie: Yeah. So sparks joy.

Kerr: Yeah, sparks so much joy.


  • この記事を書いた人

    イングリッシュ・ドクター 西澤ロイ

